1. Goals: Venture Acedemy's goals for distance learning are as follows:

  1. Provide an equitable distance learning program to all students

  2. Meet the various IEP, 504 or EL needs of all students

  3. To continue to provide students with an engaging and rigorous learning program

  4. To serve as a hub for various services students and their families may need to get through this difficult time.

2. Communication

Venture Academy has prioritized and will continue to prioritize high quality communication and collaboration with students and families.  Every student at Venture has a mentor who speaks the same language as the student’s home language.  The mentor’s goal is to make contact with the student and family at least once a week, but typically far more often, to check on the student's well being, the family’s needs and their academic progress.  Additionally, Venture utilizes a formal communication process for all formal announcements or logistical messages.  Those formal methods are email, facebook, the website and an all-call system.  We believe we reach nearly 100% of families through these various methods.  Families that are nonresponsive to any of these attempts become the duty of the CEO and the Dean of Students to contact and communicate with.  

3. Middle School Instructional Plan

The Middle School Distance Learning Plan includes information on the following items and more:

  1. Attendance

  2. Licensed Instruction

  3. Grading

  4. Promotion

  5. Learning Systems

  6. Daily Schedule

  7. Expectations

View the specific Middle School Distance Learning Plan

4. HIgh School Instructional Plan

The High School Distance Learning Plan includes information on the following items and more:

  1. Attendance

  2. Licensed Instruction

  3. Grading

  4. Promotion

  5. Graduation

  6. Credit Attainment

  7. Learning Systems

  8. Daily Schedule

  9. Expectations

View the specific High School Distance Learning Plan

5. Multi-tiered Systems of Support

6. Nutrition Program

Venture Academy will continue to provide food service, through the summer nutrition program waiver, throughout the distance learning period.  Students will have access to bagged school breakfast and lunch via the existing school bus routes.  Students should be at their bus stop roughly 6 hours before their afternoon bus stop.  Distribution occurs on Mondays and Wednesdays.  On Monday, students receive 2 breakfasts and 2 lunches.  On Wednesday, students receive 3 breakfasts and 3 lunches.  Students who do not live on a school bus route receive individualized door-to-door delivery.   If students need additional support with food shortages, Venture has many other resources that are accessible for familiand they are encouraged to reach out as needs arise.

7. Child care

The governor has asked that schools offer childcare to tier 1 and tier 2 individuals with school age children age 12 and below.  Venture Academy, as a 6th grade through 12th grade program, has very few students years 12 and below, and none of them fall into a tier 1 or tier 2 category.  In the event that this changes, Venture will provide onsite care for those children in accordance with Minnesota Department of Health guidelines.  If necessary, Venture will also provide transportation.

8. Materials and technology

Venture Academy has the ability to provide families with every school supply and technology resource they may need to access their education equitably.  We have already distributed Chromebooks to every student.  Venture also has been working with families to identify and set up the internet in their home.  While we have the ability to pay for and help with the internet, there are significant logistical barriers to getting this done and Venture is utilizing a diverse approach.  First, Venture is working with families to access various free and low cost community and provider offerings.  Second, Venture is providing hardware that is network enabled. In the case that internet is not available for any length of time, Venture will provide paper based materials and phone based instruction while the team continues to work to setup internet in the house.

9. Mental Health and Support

Venture Academy is committed to providing ongoing mental health and social/emotional support.  All existing services will be continued in the most comparable way possible as before.  All new mental health cases and referrals are handled, school wide, by the Compass Team.

CLICK HERE to see the Compass Room Distance Learning Plan

10. Special Education

Venture Academy will continue to offer Special Education Services while our school is closed.

Students will receive special education services in accordance with their individualized education program (IEP), the only change is that the services will be provided remotely - online or through Distance Learning in accordance with the Middle and High School Distance Learning plans.

Where services cannot be provided as stated in the current IEP, you will be contacted by your student's case manager to discuss those changes and provide the changes in writing for your consideration.

If you have any questions or concerns regarding your child’s special education services, please reach out to your child’s case manager or simply call the front office.

11. English Language Learners

Venture Academy is committed to continued support and services for English Language Learners.  Students  who received direct support or instruction from the EL teacher before will continue to receive that instruction or support through our distance learning program in accordance with the Middle and High School Distance Learning plans.  Additionally, our EL professional will continue to support our teachers and students by assisting teachers in modifying and accommodating curriculum, providing translated services and ensuring understanding of content. 

12. Tribal Communities

Venture Academy will continue to serve native students in accordance with our plan.  Venture’s native student mentor and program coordinator will continue to communicate with, mentor and tutor our native students.  Additionally, the program coordinator is working to transition in person enrichment activities that have now been canceled into digital activities such as music recording, video making and learning. 

13. Homeless and Vulnerable Populations

Venture has always served homeless and highly vulnerable populations.  These students are automatically on the Dean of Students priority list and get daily communication.  We simply ask if they are okay, what needs they have in their lives and what educational needs they have.  We do as much as we can to meet their various needs either ourselves, through our partnerships, or by directing them towards resources.  We are committed to providing these students, and all students, equitable access to their education, food and other services.

Venture Academies Distance Learning Plan

315 27th Ave SE, Minneapolis, MN 55414 | Phone: 612.345.9040 | Email: info@ventureacademies.org

School Leader, Michael Warner | CEO, Head of School | Phone: 612.387.3475 | email: mwarner@ventureacademies.org