
The following organizations are partnerships that Venture Academy has for the 24-25 school year to help support our students. Venture Academy is thankful for these partnerships to help strengthen and promote learning in our community and address our student’s needs! If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out.

Learn about our partnership!

  • Communities In Schools mission is to surround Twin Cities students with a community of support, empowering them to stay in school and achieve in life.

  • Venture and Communities In Schools are partners to help support students and their families. Communities In Schools helps to connect youth and their families to community resources, offer support in reaching their goals (academic, social/emotional, or attendance), small groups, and supporting students in 1-1 meetings.

  • Tiara Arradondo-Hunter, Site Coordinator

    Phone: 612-440-9839


Learn about our partnership!

  • The Bridge for Youth centers youth voice, justice, and equity in all we do, and empower youth experiencing homelessness through safe shelter, basic needs, and healthy relationships.

  • Venture and the Bridge For Youth have worked together to bring The Mobile Youth Outreach Center to Venture Academy.

    The Mobile Youth Outreach Center prioritizes meeting the immediate needs of BIPOC, LGBTQ+ and sexually exploited youth ages 10-21 in the Twin Cities; bringing services directly to youth in spaces and places they feel safe, providing mobile intervention to meet immediate basic needs – healthy food, gender affirming clothing, resources for harm reduction and safety planning, assessments and referrals, case management, and most importantly, 1-1-1 connection through in-person and virtual support.

  • Marissa Overton, Venture Academy Coordinator

    Phone: 612-377-8800 or 612-400-7233 (Text)


Learn about our partnership!

  • YWCA Minneapolis stands for a fully inclusive community in which each person is healthy and valued, and where racial justice, gender equality and human dignity are promoted and sustained through bold and effective women’s leadership.

  • Venture and the YWCA are partners to offer Contact+ at Venture for students.

    Contact Plus is a leadership and comprehensive sex education program for middle school and high school youth. This program ensures access to medically accurate health information and resources, while equipping young people with the skills they need to navigate personal relationships and make informed decisions about their sexual health and beyond.

  • Syd Corbeil-Wild, Contact+ Coordinator

    Phone: 612-215-4372


    Chaleiah Henderson, Contact+ Health Educator
